marți, 6 septembrie 2011


Reform communism

Summary: Absolute spiritual
freedom, authentic democracy and criticism from the bottom up, we will
abandon the deception Marxist, there are two social classes in communism,
Marxism-Leninism is dogmatic, the socialist property is very vulnerable to
theft, honest people do not have access to creativity and initiative, communism
must become scientific ethics, communism should not rely on police forces
and armies (but on consent of the citizens), without the cult of personalities,
nation and language, no free, not legacy, without capturing power in communism
by exploiters, one state and two systems, one state with two systems, management
of state enterprises by the class of people honest, the Gypsies issue.


We will expose a correct (but harsh) criticism against those who
held power under Communism. Thousands of people died from the working class in
"revolutions of liberation from slavery and exploitation by the nomenclature". I
will not blame others.


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Explanation for figure:

Population of the country = the class honest (equitable) people
+ the class slyboots. The slyboots trying by force and deception to subjugate
people honest. Historically; the slyboots are slaveholders, then owners of
serfs. They have always of help in religions. Clerics themselves have large
properties (estates, forests, money etc.). Current slyboots in capitalism make
right policy (trickery).

So-called communists (false communists) = honest people deceived
by ideology + nomenclaturists. They flattered the stupidity of Stalin,
Ceausescu, etc. and they took their power. They stole the working class
revolutions (for release from slavery and exploitation of nomenclaturests).
Nomenclaturiştii turned themselves into these "rascals". They subjugate the
countries  neo-communist now.

The new workers' party must organize the first congress and an
executive committee. Party members have urgent task of explaining
scientific-ethics towards youth, so that they adhere to the  working-class
principles. Otherwise the final disaster we will not can avoided.


In communism exist new situations. Some of them were already
existing before, but have not been explained. We must avoid confusion and
misunderstanding in speech. We conclude that we must create and we must define
new terms.

Instead of "Party active, security, police, leaders of public
organizations (unions, UTC, pioneers, etc.)" we must use the term
"Nomenclaturists". This is because the term "communist" is confused with "honest
communists" who were honest members of PCR. This term was created by Serbian
communists. They are the first to have noticed this phenomenon.

There are people who want to subjugate on other people. They
want to live the work of others. For them we shall use the term popular (very
appropriate) the "slyboots". Between them enter the nomenclaturists, but  and
poor social layers (eg: Gypsies). They had no means of employment and access to
instruction and education (called ordinary thieves). So, the nomenclaturists are
one species of slyboots. Exploiters are one species of slyboots who have managed
to exploit and subjugate.

For the sons of former nomenclaturists must used the term
rascal. Unions say them in street (almost every day): "Thieves!". But there are
(apart from these thieves with diplomas) and ordinary thieves. For do not
confuse, we will must use the term "rascal".


• THE ABSENCE of honest people's party made
the plunder of the economy. They robbed banks, profitable enterprise, farmland,
forests, etc. They bought mass-media. They inherited a destroyed justice (of
their parents). Slyboots have become an ideal for young people. They ridiculed
the work. The school is based on the Jewish obscurantism. They brought the
crisis and debt to international banks. They legalized with shamelessly the
narcotic drugs etc.

The absence of a policy for to organize people honest is a
general phenomenon internationally.


• WE MUST LEARN from the lesson called "REVOLUTION (for release
from slavery and exploitation of nomenclaturists). But if we will continue the
policy theirs (the Communist Parties of nomenclaturists), then  we will distroy
and this latest chance (it is offered of the implosion of the so-called
Marxist-Leninist communism). This implosion was obtained (again and again) with
the blood of the working people. It do not was obtained with their blood (of
nomenclaturists). Continuation of the communist party exploitation can be a
source of voters. But we do not construct the party (for class of honest people)
using deception for voters (and in general we do not use fraud). We use only the


philosophy. It has great scientific errors. This is proved theoretically and
experimentally. Stalinism-Leninism already is proved (himself) by his crimes.
Here are the errors (possibly intentional):



classes are next:

(I) The dominant class (privileged). It is occupy by
nomenclaturists. They captured absolute power (totalitarian) in theirs states.
They later became nomenclaturist class. It has different strata: The Party
active, authorities to spy on citizens and their repression, the fifth column of
Soviet which come (or sent), etc. Nomenclaturist dominant class membership are
transmitted by a mysterious inheritance. See the Kim dynasty in North Korea,
Nicu Ceauşescu from Romania and today Elena Băsescu (idol for hooked on drug)


(II) The oppressed class. That has the people honest. This
second class is exploited by the nomenclature. It is held in cruel slavery. It
is frustrated by the rights and freedoms. It is repressed and oppressed. And it
has layers: People from industry from cities. People from farming from villages.
There are intellectuals. There are (so-called) enemies of the people taken to
forced labor, informers, profiteers, sycophants etc.

The transition from the oppressed class up to privileged class
is prohibited by the file of staff and by police of security. They investigate
the most distant relatives or ancestors, knowledge, neighbors, friends etc.

What did Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Ceausescu was not
communism, but a different exploitation system. It is very skilful hided. They
say that it is of working class. Nomenclaturists can say anything, but people
observe facts of nomenclaturists , no the theirs lies. I remember the slogan of
Lenin (after the victory against "Whites"): "Now we have to teach we to be
masters (dictators)." They re-became as tsarist satraps Asians. They (as
anywhere) moved into the palaces and mansions of the boyars. They claim to be
elites ("the best sons of the people, personalities of history, the genius of
humanity, etc.". They wash (words from anthem) in idleness, in luxury, in
adulteries, etc. They steal the wealth socialist and they claim that it is merit
and their rights. I saw with my eyes and I criticized, but I attracted only
theirs hatred, theirs denigration, their persecution. Look! Now the sons of
nomenclaturists (attention: "no others") continue plunder the civic good as
their fathers. Who had the courage to disturb them are destroyed.

We need to be
careful: If we will rearrange working class, former nomenclaturists class (they
or their sons) will seek to regain power. They will use also demagoguery,
flattery of silly people, intimidation, violence, re-infiltration into
management positions which lost etc. They will restore their masked exploitation
of the working people. There is only one criterion for choose: „People
with the highest level of ethics.”
It has not importance the origin of
social. It is just the opposite.

Ethics has
the educated people, because education ask many money. Some poor Roma want money
from other people, more than biggest exploiter.


• THE MARXIST-LENINIST DOGMATISM: Dogmas are swindles that
prohibit their criticism and they ban thinking personal by people, because it
would reveal the hidden truth of their demagogy. Dogmas are characteristic for
the Arab world. And Jews are also Arabs, but non-Mohammedans. It is important
that we ask: How dogma Jew Marx was able to steal the power of the working class
? The answer to this question is necessary to prevent repetition of the
phenomenon. The answer is clear: Marxism-Leninism is or an error or is a hoax
very well thought out.

We deduce: The ideology of the working class must to be deeply
critical re-thought. It must not only be reviewed here, there. If not we will do
now ourselves, then workers will do sometime. They will pay another tribute of
blood (in addition to the blood shed in the revolution). The flag for working
class will become more redden, but nevertheless they will do, because we compel
by law of progress. In addition, the disaster is very obvious. Affliction is
that Marx (and gang) took care to transform his plans in immutable dogma,
non-reformations, eternals, etc. Eternals as obscurantist dogmas. If we
criticize Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin (see Kirov), Mao, Ceausescu (see
Parvulescu) etc., then this was and is a danger of death. La fel: Dacă unii îl
critică pe Mahomed sau Isus, atunci ei sunt ucişi.


• THE SERVITUDES of the property of all the people (of public,
state or cooperatiste).

       [1] They are easily stolen.         [2] They can not
develop self-creator.


that we still believe that by repeating the slogan "defense of socialist
property" and draconian punishments we can stop the impulse of stole. You must
to talk with a great rascal and which he was a big nomenclaturist. They tell
everyone that the state is a bad manager. They say the state is obliged to
defend its goods and the thieves are bound not to attack, etc. Plundering
socialist property can be avoided only by persuasion "scientific ethics" of
people. We say "scientific ethics", because science say the truth (no other),
but there are many scams named deliberately (to create confusion and smoke
curtains) also ethical (or moral).

(Before being corrupted to the scientific ethics by the
nomenclatura) working class thought otherwise. Ex: Honest people had brought
materials from home . They had repaired the school fence, had repaired the
communal road. They had cleaned communal grazing land. They had dug wells water
which now take water all people. They stole not the common goods night trees
from forest, from protection curtains, etc. Rascal embezzlers with acts and laws
made ​​this. This behavior scientific ethics of working people was destroyed by
the nomenclaturists (say the truth; by the nomenclature and not by others) and
now their sons rascal continued destruction. However we can conclude that indeed
the common goods are hard to guard and many thieves who attack him. Some rascal
possess (so-called) school. They steal with documents. Others, rascals steal


product or remove a defect (design or production) of an old product. We need a
man to observe (old product deficiency or niche market for the new product).
Many do not care and do not bother to learn or think about it. They will only
much money and honors as a researcher. But they will to work as little and easy.
In their free time they make plans to steal. In addition, they believe
themselves smart for talent of stealing. A real innovator must therefore go with
such a petition to chief. He claim the material resources. Certainly, he do not
given for inovator. If he passed the idea on nomrnclaturist name, then the
nomenclaturist has given some resources for inovation. Thus, the nomenclaturist
take all from innovative: prestige and money. See polymers and world famous
scientist in Romania. Otherwise he will be marginalized, insulted, because chief
sees honesty, diligence and intelligence at innovator and fears him not to take
his seat.

This explains that nomenclaturists do not create. What they do
is with patent purchased or stolen from the free world through technical
espionage. Stealing is their strong point. Innovators was stimulated (during
communism naive), but they was strangled real fast by nomenclaturists mature.

It is true that some inventors can produce aberrations (see
eternal perpetum mobile) and so create damage, but they are the exception not
the rule.

Method "Research institutions" is wrong. They are sources of
many money for children nomenclature and they does not create something. The
mistake is that an idea appears in the brain of one man. That is usually the one
who actually works in that field. The creators can not be "sons of ready money"
of exploiting nomenclature. In fact they do not share the ideals of the workers,
but of social parasites. We see that research institutions have not given any
results. They only consume resources and imitate and copy the free world.


logical rules that sorts human acts in more or less good (respective bad) for
the world. This is the science of ethical behavior (respective anti-ethical)
human. Bolsheviks (Macarenco, Shishkin) wrote such a communist ethics, but it is
a misleading ethics written by the class nomenclaturist. It is not motivated
scientifically, so nomenclaturists understand something and the people
understand something else. Nomenclature mocks the working people who meet the
communist ethics, because (they think) working people are not able to understand
the dual nature of ethics nomenclaturist. Their response is relevant to a
critique of ethics: "What you do with me political education?"


why class nomenclaturist created a state with a huge police of criminals, with a
huge military industry, a perpetual arming, etc. It is terrified of revenge by
the working people (after they saw clearly the deception). They fear that will
lose their privileges and possessions stolen. Nomenclature do practise
perpetually with weapons. They are trained to be (to a potential revolution of
the working class) very brutal and very violent. And today nomenclaturiştii
kill  wild animals for pleasure (not needed). We see how these bloodthirsty is
leader country and we do not like, but they were people basic in nomenclaturist
system. They did the same thing and previous (when they claimed that they are
the working class elites).


• The CULT of PERSONALITY, of the NATION and of LANGUAGE was
practiced by nomenclature.

(1) Cult of person: All know the cult of Lenin, Stalin,
Mao, Ceausescu, etc. These are reflexes of Pavlov type. Reflexes are
conditioned. The condition is as follows: Nomenclaturist give service, food,
money, etc. Pavlov warned about this the danger of dictatorship. The existence
of human psychological defects (pride, selfishness, desire for subjugate), etc..
will do to need to replace the names people name with their functions and their
names should not be pronounced. Moreover, any merit is in reality a collective
merit, but not individual. Doctrine of the working class must be science and
ethics, but not the horrible creations by Marx, Lenin, etc.

(2) The cult of the nation: The same phenomenon is
happening and nationally. Nomenclaturists transfer their personal pride, also,
in their ethnic pride, in their national egoism, in the desire of subjugation
for other nations etc. We have the example of the great Russian people (the big
brother from the east). Communism is not a possession of a nation (the brother
of the great Russian, Chinese, South American, etc.). Communism is in possession
of all the honest working people over the world.

(3) Cult linguistic: Until Khrushchev was compulsory cult
of Russian tsarist empire language. Before the former French empire was the cult
language. Now is cult for English language of the former English colonial
empire. Nobody speaks about Esperanto language (modernized in IDO) and promoted
by Tito.

But working people should create scientific language. Until the
creation of scientific language, official language could be Ido language (which
is a designed language). Ido is a modernized variant of Esperanto.


Statute must define party as the scientific party for people honest, ethical,
living from their work and they do not take the toil from others. Status should
not define party for working people without using persons like Marx and Lenin
(Marxism-Leninism, Maoism).

Here are these very criticism texts:

It has as a
doctrine Marxism, therefore, scientific socialism, teaching of Marx and Engels,
which is creatively enriched by the VILenin and other militants for workers,
from national and international socialist and communist.

It should be reworded as follows: The party for workers class
assumes only continuity of experience which proved scientific, ethical and
progressive and eliminate  deception.

Status should write: Party opposes elitism by banning the cult;
by prohibiting the documents and doctrines based on the names of some persons
(even only by specifying their name). Documents must to be anonymised. They must
declared in collective name (organizations, collectives, etc.) and not flattery
of some party members.

Some texts are ambiguous and can be used against critics of
chiefs. Ex: The expression "to do not bring damages ...". This allows as
criticism of chiefs to be interpreted as damage brought to the party and working

The phrase "secret of party" is also ambiguous. Honest people
have no secrets. Slyboots and rascals have secrets.

The phrase "members of law of the governing bodies" is
ambiguous. This makes discrimination between the gang which seize leadership and
the other. This opens the way for cult "governing bodies".

CC decisions are not democratic. Statute empowers CC establishing the criteria
to be elected. Thus they shut down  entering for the honest people in the class

• GRATUITY: This is populist deceit. It shall encourage the
corruption, laziness, the artfulness. Gratuity means that the other human works
for you. If a thing is received gratis (the labor of others), then it is not
respected, is neglected, is destroyed, etc. If a thing is given gratis, then it
is given preferential or relatives or friends or through bribery. This is a
source of corruption and evidence of the nomenklatura discreţiomală power. The
principle of the working class "each must to live from his work " requires the
abolition of gratuity. We can sell in rates, we can give loans, but we can not
give gratis.


• INHERITANCE: Inheritance of private property by the sons which
"eat money from the father" is one of the thorniest problems. Heritage is
anti-ethical, because it was not obtained through the merits of the heirs. The
merits are obtained by the dead person. This problem can be solved when ethical
conscience of working people's will be scientific. All legacies will form a fund
for all young. They should not be taken unfair by relatives.


must explain to honourable people what they should to do so that their country
will go on track. They include:


• CRITICAL BOTTOM UP: We must to speak with boldly (In
Congress). We will say which are the disastrous errors of Marx, Engels, Lenin,
Stalin, Mao, Ceausescu, etc. Self defense weapon for honest people is criticism
from the lowest level to up level (to the above). It was stolen by
nomenclaturists exploiters. Now criticism  must be immediately given backwards
to workers.


• THE NEED FOR A GENUINE DEMOCRACY: Therefore, working people
must lead the country and not a coterie of new types of exploiters (brilliant
leaders). Honest people for to govern a country is a unique solution: "genuine
democracy", but not trick. Thus it is in nomenclaturism or now. A delusive
democracy allows for slyboots (and rascals) to subjugate people (by electoral
fraud, trick, demagoguery, deception, etc.).


honestly explain to Congress, in public; as slyboots (which want to live from
the work of others) captured the power of working people and they hijacked
communism. A rascal (former nomenclaturist) said: "My party is the party of
class that gives you the workingŢ (therefore  nomenclature). Your class (viz us)
is class which do toil. Your class must to perform our orders. We must explain
to working people how they must defend oneself (on democratic way) of these
slyboots and rascals.


• BEHAVIOR „SCIENTIFIC ETHICS”: This is the only effective and
sustainable method of construction for true communism. It is non violent. It is
without crimes and criminals of profession. It is accepted freely. It is run by
people (do not by nomenclaturist elites) etc. This does not necessarily requires
conquest political power (but this would help much). This can immediately begin
(even the next day) by persuasion from man to man. Honest people will
immediately join the party and our power will increase exponentially. There are
still many honest people, but are confused by the propaganda slyboots and
rascals. They deceived people and stole temporarily theirs power. Noi trebuie să
le explice oamenilor muncii si onest ceea ce este etică ştiinţifică (nu etică de
clasă nomenclatura). Scientific ethics (do not dogma created by Marx) is the
solution to any society. If we will have such honest people, then the material
development problems theirs, they will solve themselves perfectly. For this
status should include:

[a] Personal example of party members.

[b] The work of persuasion from person to person, from house to

[c] Scientific ethics courses in public education from preschool
to PhD. For this the working class party must obtain perpetually ministries of
education and of culture.

[d] The communist humanity of art must to create  educational
works of scientific ethics.

[e] We want educational and scientific activities for the
amateur to hauses of culture.


• ONE COUNTRY; TWO SYSTEMS: We need to render the creation of
economic freedom for experimentation. If a man can not convince the producers
(with words) fof effectiveness of a his idea, then he should be free to
experience it on the market. If the his idea does not profit, then the damage
must be borne by the experimenter. This is necessary to prevent scams of
slyboots and rascals.

The solution is unique: Capitalist private property must coexist
with the socialist property, but a capitalist property obtained through
intelligence, learning and work and not through theft. The Chinese solved the
problem. Communism must not aim at destruction of private property because it is
the source of progress and creation. The property obtained by theft must with
skillfully nationalized because they hided already for theirs stolen capital in


• THE MANAGEMENT OF STATE ENTERPRISES, the state's institutions
and those in partnership: Rascals steal socialist enterprise as follows: (1)
Rascals make a new false enterprise (a phantom). It is writing with  X. (2) Some
accomplices captures enterprise management. (3) They bring the enterprise into
bankruptcy deliberately. (4) Then they ask for subsidies from the budget. (5)
Other accomplices are infiltrated in parliament and government. They put the
company for privatization. (6) They make the specification with dedication for
X. (7) The enterprise "X" wins the auction at a very low price.

 In these cases: Party of honest people must take the management
of state enterprises or cooperatives. We will do two ministries of the economy:
(I) A ministry for socialist economy headed by party workers. (II) A ministry
for capitalist economy.

In the socialist sector will be employed only party members.

They will not steal, will work in stakhanovist mode, will raise
standards of production, etc. they do not will do stoppage work etc. This is
because they can control that the profit of enterprises is not stolen by

In this way state enterprises will become profitable. They will
allow to live for employees. They tried this in communism naive. But
nomenclaturist ethics was duplicitous. Nomenclaturist ethics applies only for
class of workers. Nomenclaturists steal. They created jobs for mistresses and
relatives, etc. They gave orders intentionally absurd for do not make a profit.
Then they had been demanding the grant from budget. Then they had been stolen
these money. They has been eliminating honest people who observed and criticized
their abominations, etc.

Other problems of socialist property management can not be
displayed in detail here, because there are too many.


•  ISSUE OF ROMA: This social stratum was the last that was
released from slavery (150 years ago, now three generations). Their liberation
do not able to be done except through their redemption from landowners (so with
public money). They were thrown in the road by landowners. They were without any
means of subsistence. They have sought means of survival. They use personal
theft, robbery in organized gangs, prostitution, begging, tricks, some crafts
that did not require large investment as musicians, tinsmithing , wood
processing (small household utensils). Many poor people imitate theirs
solutions. Many sons of the boyars (who had wealth and money) benefit of they
for enrichment theirs further. Nomenclature thought he could use them and placed
them in police and security where required hardness and violence. They  raise
then and their relatives in these functions. Thus many Roma became

After the popular revolution of liberation from the yoke
exploiters Nomenclaturists, the Roma have returned to their traditional
practices. They have robbed much civic goods. They have destroyed absurdly
valuable assets civic (for scrap iron). The Romi have highly skilled in
infractions. After their arrest, they learn in prisons new methods. They
cooperate with the police through Roma from system. They receive information
from the Roma from the system. Then, the Roma from justice liberate on  the Roma
from arrest etc. solution of scientific ethics education is denied by Roma,
because they consider education a scam from their former masters. This problem
will can be solved only with scientific ethics education to all people
(including the children of rascal of the nomenclaturists).


Name should be from the beginning: Scientific PARTY of WORKERS or in the
language Ido: „CPL = Cienca Partiso de Laboristoj” or articulated „la Cienca
Partiso de Laboristoj”. Historical vicissitudes imposed current name of
Communist Party. It may remain so in order that people honest do not to be in

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sâmbătă, 7 mai 2011



Definition for "Material World" (on the shield: "For matter"):

- We call the material world everything what is made of atomic particles (or what containing atomic particles). Examples of some parts of the material world (of matter in the Universe):

[1] The atoms.

[2] The molecules.

[3] Chemical substances.

[4] The objects (and bodies): solid, liquid, gas or atomic particles.

- The material world is what we receive through the senses.

- The material world we can touch, see, hear, etc.

- Some objects are devoid of life, while others are living beings, but they are all made of matter. Also, our body is matter, but still in life. We are able to touch (tweak) on body, we see on body, etc. Also, the Sun, Moon and starry sky are made of matter. They are called the cosmos. Cosmos and our planet form an entire. It is called UNIVERSE.

- All objects (from the material world) have all the properties continuously changing (in time and space). However, for a time small enough we can consider that (for an object) properties do not change. This is called a state of the object. So, the properties of the objects become from one state to another (in time and space). This is done gradually by continuous accumulation of small amounts of change. If a property (of the object) has accumulated a great deal amount of change, then the man feels the need to put another name for object. Man has an impression: “The object has made a suddenly qualitative leap.”. In this case, the properties (of new object) differ essentially in comparison with the old object.

- For example: We will observe a child. People say "boy". Gradually he is becoming otherwise. He accumulate gradually: Growth, training, payroll, family etc. These accumulations do not permit the name of "boy ". People observe the qualitative leap. They say "mister".